This week we are taking a break from the usual Faith in Kids podcast in Ephesians, to look at Pentecost.
For links to all the Faith in Kids podcast sessions in Ephesians, click here.
There are four ideas below, including and a colouring sheet, a craft activity, a code breaker and a wordsearch.
Use the crafts and colouring sheets while you listen to the Sunday service.
The printable sheet for this week is here.
All the instructions below are also included on the sheet – if you’d prefer just to hit print and then stop looking at screen, go ahead!
Idea 1- Flame Headband
Jesus said – ‘I will send the Spirit who comes from the Father and shows what is true. The Spirit will help you and will tell you about me.’
John 15:26 CEV
Print page 2 of the printable sheet onto thin card or onto paper then glued to card backing.
Carefully cut out the flame pattern and colour it in or decorate it with coloured paper/cellophane/coloured magazine pages, – or you could make your own flame design.
Cut out a band of card or stiff paper that’s long enough to fit around your head.
Attach your decorated flame to the middle of your headband, near to the top edge.
Carefully cut out the text strip and attach it to your headband under the flame. Fit the band around your head and secure to the right size with tape.
Idea 2 – Colouring sheet
On page 3 of the printable sheet.
Idea 4 – Wordsearch
Print page 5 of the printable sheet.