Some of our distinctives

We gather

As Christian Believers, we gather together on a Sunday, in order to hear God speaking to us through the Bible; to sing his praises; and to pray together.

We welcome

It doesn’t matter who you are. Male, female, young, old, atheist, agnostic, sceptic or enquirer, we want to welcome everyone at FBC and help them get to know Jesus better.

We share Jesus

We believe that it is our duty and privilege to share the good news about Jesus in the town and across the world.

We serve

We believe that God has called and gifted all of us to serve God, one another and the world.

We care

We meet together in small groups during the week in order to build relationships where we can support and encourage one another. We try to care for and support one another through the stresses and strains of life.

We pray

We pray for one another and we ask God for the supernatural resources that we need to live for his glory, to serve one another and to be his witnesses in the world.

We baptise

We baptise believers who are trusting in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sin and for power to live a new life.

We belong

Although we sometimes refer to our building as a ‘church’, we know that the church is really made up of people. We believe that Christians flourish best in a committed relationship with one local group of Christian believers. We call this membership.

We follow Jesus

We meet together as church members to try and understand what Jesus wants for Farnham Baptist Church and there we choose pastors and deacons to exercise servant leadership amongst us.