What is a Growth Group?
A Growth Group is a small group of Christians who are committed to one another. We meet together each week to study God’s word and pray, but we’re committed to sharing life together through the ups and downs, and to reaching our friends and colleagues with the gospel together.
Why go to a Growth Group?
We think that committing to a Growth Group is really important if you want to grow in your faith. In the Bible the church is described as a body with a structure, ‘held together by every supporting ligament [which] grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.’ (Ephesians 4:16). As we speak the truth to one another, serve one another, and pray together, we are living out the wonderful truth that God has united us – we belong to one another!
What will be expected of me?
Our aim is to get to know each other and to give you time to get to know the rest of your group. Some people are very used to this sort of environment, but it may be new to others. When you feel able to, you can contribute as much or as little as you like.
Prayer Meetings
Church prayer meetings take place twice per term. They are held on Wednesday evenings, instead of the usual Growth Group meetings. We believe they are very important for the Church as a whole and so we encourage everyone to join in.
Social Events
Most of the groups organise social events during the year. It’s a great way to get to know one another better and to invite friends along.