24 May Evening Service
Join us for the next part of our series in 1 Kings, as we look at the house with ears! https://vimeo.com/421884487
Join us for the next part of our series in 1 Kings, as we look at the house with ears! https://vimeo.com/421884487
We're following along with the Faith in Kids podcast in Ephesians.For links to all the sessions in this series, click here.Ephesians #5 ONE BODYEd, Jam and Amy are back with…
Join us as we discover more about Jesus together from the book of 1 Kings https://vimeo.com/419350906
Join us as we continue looking at the book of 1 Kings together. https://vimeo.com/416493615
Join us for our online service as we dive in to 1 Kings chapter 2!https://vimeo.com/414275422
Join us as we start our new series in the book of 1 Kings!https://vimeo.com/411568934
What if someone could take your suffering for you?If you find the talk helpful, please feel free to share it with others using this link: https://vimeo.com/409481888https://vimeo.com/409339149NB: Apologies that the video is…
Welcome https://vimeo.com/406224759The song below is based on those verses from 1 Corinthians 15, especially verses 54-55.Through all life's sorrows and despairs,I will not be moved.When facing death, I need not…
https://speaklife.org.uk/webinars/Hey everyone! I would really recommend these webinars from Speak Life. Thoughtful biblical discussion on questions we all face during a pandemic, like:How do I handle uncertainty and anxiety?Am I alone…
Welcome https://vimeo.com/403657383Use the song below to praise our great Creator God!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e50MjZ_9z68 In the video below, Melody Coletta speaks about what God has been teaching her recently.https://vimeo.com/403654045Sing along or just reflect on…