Adjusting to the new normal


Hey everyone! I would really recommend these webinars from Speak Life. Thoughtful biblical discussion on questions we all face during a pandemic, like:

  • How do I handle uncertainty and anxiety?
  • Am I alone in this world?
  • When health and wealth are shaken, what is my hope?

The next one is on ‘How to pray’, and will be live tonight (Wednesday) at 8pm. If you can’t make the live webinar, the videos will also be available  afterwards. Click the picture above to link to the webinars.

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Jayne Etchells

Holiday Bible Club

Preparations are well under way for this year’s Holiday Bible Club and bookings are now OPEN! It will run from Tuesday 27th – Friday 30th August,

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Hope Explored
Jayne Etchells

Hope Explored

Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us? Hope Explored looks at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. The

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